Monday, December 17, 2012

Effective Public Communication Reflective essay

Class test 1-3
         3 class tests were given during the Effective Public Communication class, and the scores were too added into our grades. The learning outcome for these three tests is to understand and explain the basic ideas of the topic that is being tested. Besides that, these tests are also for us to use relevant examples or situation to give examples to what we have learnt in class. These tests are tested basically the meanings of theories in the text book and also test our applications of a given topic on the videos and movies that our lecturer had asked us to watch. The tests had forced me to study and try to understand every chapter that had been taught. After sitting for these three tests, I have known my level of understanding of the topics tested in class and I realized that I have much more to learn. The tests are good ways for me to study as I know if I do not study then I will not score in the tests and this will affect my final grades for EPC.

Individual essay
         This individual essay is written based on the 4 topics that our lecturer, Mr. Woon gave. I have chosen the topic on writing about the differences between communicating online and communicating face-to-face. The learning outcome for this assignment was to able to explain about the topic that we have chosen clearly to show that we are clear with what we had learned, and also expressing our understanding of this topic in a form of accurate academic essay with relevant citations. I had to search for information and references to complete my essay. After finishing this assignment, I realize that communication has much more than I thought it is. I have gained a better understanding on the topic I have chosen that is about communication. I find doing researches for this essay is useful as we will gain more knowledge than what is being taught inside the text book, and it is easier for me to understand the topic better.

Group debate
         The debate consists of three people in a group and we have to randomly pick a topic for us to debate. My group got the topic where we have to debate on the uncontrolled illegal immigrants in Malaysia that has causes too many cases of theft, robbery and other crimes. The learning outcome of this debate assignment was to explain the basic ideas of the topic chosen and relate them to the theories that we have learnt in class and prove mastery on the topic. Besides that, we will be able to communicate and interact with others accordingly. This debate also taught us to learn to analyze and respond to various issues such as handling conflicts and aware of cultural differences and respect them as well as building a healthy and positive relationships. This assignment is good that we all have the chance to speak out in class and communicate with others. We also learned the format of debating. After doing this debating assignment, I noticed my weakness that is unable to defend our points firmly comparing to the opposition team. This debate made us look for useful information that I beneficial to us for our general knowledge too.

Illustration and scripts
         The final project for our Effective Public Communication class is to write out a drama script or draw out comics on the topic given. The learning outcome for this project is to be able to explain the basic ideas of the given topic and use examples relevant to the chosen topic in a form of comics or dialogues. Besides that, this is to prove that we have already mastered the given topic by compiling our knowledge through graphics r dialogues. I and my teammates chose the topic on listening. We chose to do comics for the topic on listening. In the end of our project, we had successfully gave an example on listening and drew it out into a comic form. We had the chance to not only understand the topic better but also give examples and expressing them out through graphics. Group discussion is beneficial for us as we can exchange ideas and give advice to each other. 

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